
Fantasy is what people want .
Reality is what they need .

Sunday, November 6, 2011


This Blog will focus on the many variations of Human suffering .

But more so , on the solutions available .

With every book we buy , with all the knowledge we accumulate,  we create way to many theoretic and analytic obstacles  , before we actually step into the core of a challenge.

Why do we scale our issues to death before we ACT ?

Everybody suffers, and everybody pretends not to , at least socially .

What can one do about it ?

Time and opportunity have arrived .

Be in high gear , and ACT at once!

How ?

... How is the next total unneeded step...

Do it !

If you are The Problem ,( by you meaning you as the originator and the accumulator and reflector) ,

You've got trouble , you've got solutions too , right at hand !!

What am i pointing at ?

Example :

You currently want to adopt a more juicy , healthier lifestyle .
Isn't it always  a circle from there on ?
We have an idea , we buy stuff , read books , get magazines , talk to friends ,
try this , waste tons of money .... get back reading more ...and whine ....
losing precious motivation to cut down to the gut of the subject.
In the middle of it we realize that we are still on our couch, occupying our mind and disturbing  it
from being peace.

I say : Do one thing at the time , Wanna be healthier ?, Do something healthy right now . Have three cups of spring water and crush down on 10 instant Push ups . Have an apple :-)

Don't think too much what can or will be in the long run .

Do something instantaneous . Yield the very immediacy . Yield man , come on !!

That's all ?

Of course not ....

Get into hyper mode .. the kind of orgasmic super joy- break through -smashing - feeling that you last remember .....

Remember it , embody it .. Start moving and pumping yourself up into a explosive feeling to accomplish your desired endeavor.

Do whatever it takes in a couple of seconds .


Pour it all out , no matter if you write , scream , google or froogle it ..

Create an instant feeling of  emergency, the perfect  environment for change .

People often jammer around , whining :" but i don't know how to do that" ...??

Oh really daddy ,  ..

I tell you how : 

Act in this moment!, with a vigilance and superiority, like you would fight for your son , just having received the brain tumor diagnose , wouldn't you run and hustle and consult even the strangest mongolian witch doctor? Wouldn't you break down every single way of how you can help instantly ?? So Why Not Now , with your own stuff ? 
This urgency is the motivation You need , and you need to create it in this split second !
Cauze if you wait until Dorothy will be back in Kansas , you will have gone gray and dry.
Think of something so devastating that will get your fat ass off this chair , get you into emergency gear and M  O  V E ....

No left , no right ...

Pour out  all the possibilities  you can and cannot think of .

Why "cannot"  think of ?

Lets assume: You suffer from psychological difficulties (aren't we all to some degree) , and a friend suggests you some unorthodox therapy ...and you start thinking to yourself , Mmhh , yes , but if , but if , but if ......

But maybe , just maybe , this unorthodox thing , like nude-tantra-wank therapy, would be , can be and will be your solution .

Listen , this is Mr. Conductor speaking:

Take a fucking chance!! , get wild , squeeze the cocaine soaked strawberry juice out of  your life ...

If you want to have a great life , entertaining and full of joy and action ...

To take a chance means excitement ... richness of experience ... fun , tittie-bars and gang bangs and playing with dynamite while on crack ... whilst  being tied onto  a surfboard ,on shag highway, heading happier , lighter ..crazier...

This is our time now .

My whole aim here is to have you up and running in High Definition !

Take a chance , will ya ....

So if ya have whaaaatever challenge right now ... Hit it , hit it hard ....

Break it , crush it , instantly , think of all your options,  , jot em down ...

We want to  end or minimize the crap in our lives .

Let's get to it ! Fast !

On this blog we will embark on a rigorous journey together .

Lets jump right in and check how we can minimize and finalize our torments , challenges and all the things we deeply desire to make better.

Lets look for what is working and what can work for us quickly , rapidly, and discard all the things, ways and approaches that  are  nothing but a waste  .

What can you and i do ,right away ?
What obstacles have to be put at gunpoint ?

and the core Question to Human individual development, our ticket home  :

What do we fear ? you hooked ?

hang in there  .........

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